Where are the login credentials stored?

They are stored in a JSON file located in the root directory of the Shinobi install called super.json. By default the install location should be /home/Shinobi. To modify the file run the following.

nano /home/Shinobi/super.json

You should see the default contents appearing as it does below.

        "mail":"[email protected]",

The login details that are applied by the JSON above are as follows.

Login Address : [email protected]
Password : admin

The password is in MD5. In future it will be SHA1 or something similar. The purpose of using MD5 is simply to make it unreadable to a regular passing human.

Never leave the default credentials. The latest commits will now also ask if the user wants to enable Superuser access during the install process.

After you are done modifying the credentials you must restart Shinobi.

pm2 restart camera.js

How to enable Superuser access

Assuming your Shinobi directory is at /home/Shinobi you can run the following to copy the sample file.

cp /home/Shinobi/super.sample.json /home/Shinobi/super.json

Restart Shinobi to apply changes.

pm2 restart camera.js

How to disable Superuser access

Assuming your Shinobi directory is at /home/Shinobi you can run the following to remove super.json.

rm /home/Shinobi/super.json

Restart Shinobi to apply changes.

pm2 restart camera.js

How to login as the Superuser

Assuming your Shinobi is running on port 8080 and the IP address is you can open the following URL in your web browser. Then the submit button should appear as red instead of the regular green or blue.

How to create an MD5 password string

Open your terminal window and run the following command to create an MD5 string.

echo -n admin | md5sum

The password given for the example above is admin. The output should be as shown.


How to reset Superuser login

super.sample.json file contains the default credentials that you can replace your existing one with.

Assuming your Shinobi directory is at /home/Shinobi you can run the following to reset super.json to the default credentials.

cd /home/Shinobi
cp super.sample.json super.json

Then attempt logging in at http://YOUR_SHINOBI/super. YOUR_SHINOBI is the IP and PORT you put into your web browser to access Shinobi. The path /super is to access the Superuser login screen.

Login Address : [email protected]
Password : admin